Horbury Church

Rock Solid have enjoyed a film night this evening. We meet every subway in term time and all young people aged 12 onwards are invited to join us. #youthwork #Horbury #horburybridge

Our film night is happening tomorrow at Rock Solid with popcorn and hot chocolate! Join us 6pm until 8.30pm. All young people aged 12 onwards are invited. #horbury #horburybridge #movienight #Youth


Peterites continues this evening, join us for some fun and games from 6pm at St Peter's Church. All children year 2 onwards are welcome. #childrenandfamilies #horbury #horburybridge

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Welcome to the Parish of St Peter and St Leonard, Horbury, with St John, Horbury Bridge. We are a vibrant and living Christian community, part of the newly-formed Church of England Diocese of Leeds.

At the heart of our parish is the worship of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We express this in our daily life, which revolves around the recitation of the Daily Office (Morning and Evening Prayer) and the celebration of the Mass (Eucharist or Holy Communion). Our main Sunday services are at 9am at St John’s and 10.30am at St Peter’s, and we would love to see you there!

We seek to serve the people of Horbury with Horbury Bridge by welcoming children and adults into the Christian faith by baptism, blessing marriages, nurturing children in the faith, caring for those in particular need through our various groups and ministries, and burying the dead in the sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life.

We do this because of our belief that Jesus Christ is ‘The Way, the Truth and the Life’, and that our lives are best lived in a relationship with him through his church. Once you’ve had a look through these pages, why not drop in to one of our services or come to one of our activities or events. We look forward to getting to know you!