ABC and JAMS are our toddler groups that meet at St John’s (Tuesday mornings from 9 a.m., in term time) and St Peter’s (Wednesday mornings from 9.15 a.m., in term time) for all sorts of fun and games for those of pre-school age. New people always welcome!
Walk into St Peter’s and you’ll see our Children’s Area at the back of church. This is available for parents and their children during services, and whenever the church is unlocked (usually 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day). The Children’s Area features toys and games for younger children, as well as a selection of stories to read and resources for older children too. Please make use of this facility, whether during a service, or if you are just passing by and want to pop in to church to keep the children entertained.
We believe that children should be engaged in worship, and so every Sunday at 10.30am we host Kids Church. Through games, craft and story, children have the opportunity to explore faith and learn together, in a fun and engaging way. We also love to have children sing in our church choir or serve at the altar. If your child enjoys singing or is interested in helping at the altar, please speak to Fr Christopher.
Special services and events, particularly suitable for children and families, are held throughout the course of the year. These include holiday clubs, social events such as bowling trips, family workshops (for example in Advent and on Good Friday) and family fun days. Many of these events are completely FREE or we just ask for a small contribution to help cover costs. Keep a look out online or on our notice boards, or fill in one of our ‘Keep in Touch’ cards for more information.
Peterites is our youth group for children from Year 2 onwards, with separate activities for children aged 10+. It is held on Friday evenings in term time, from 6 p.m., at St Peter’s. The group gets up to a variety of fun activities, including games, crafts, baking, and sports, as well as social evenings such as film nights and trips to the local park. Throughout the year there are opportunities for children to take part in either the children’s or youth pilgrimages to Walsingham.
Messy Church is an informal service during which we explore faith together through craft, story and sharing a meal. Messy Church meets on Tuesday afternoons in term time at 3.30pm at St John’s.
Fusion: Family Service is a service for families who wish to come along and learn more about faith and engage in worship in a less formal setting at St Peter’s. It takes place half termly at 4pm. For details of our upcoming Fusion Family Service, keep an eye on our social media pages.
Children who are baptized are encouraged to receive Holy Communion and confirmation when they are old enough. For more information on First Communion (available from about age 7) and Confirmation (from about age ten), please speak to the Vicar, Fr Christopher.
Many of the children who are involved in or churches come from our two excellent church schools, which receive assemblies each week from our Vicar or Lay Reader. For more information on the schools, please see the school websites: