See who’s who below, or contact us here.

The parish is led by the Vicar, Fr Christopher Johnson SSC. Fr Christopher was appointed Vicar of Horbury with Horbury Bridge in May 2017. He had previously served as Curate of Pickering with Lockton and Levisham in the Diocese of York, and before that had trained for ordination at St Stephen’s House, Oxford.

Our Curate is Fr Daniel Heaton. Fr Daniel was made deacon in Wakefield Cathedral in July 2022 and will serve in the parish for three to four years whilst completing his curacy. He trained for ordination at St Stephen’s House, Oxford.

Our churchwardens are Mrs Mavis Walsh and Mrs Valerie Crowther. As Churchwardens, Mavis and Valerie are officers of the Bishop, and the lay (unordained) leaders of the parish.

They have the responsibility of representing the laity, and of co-operating with the Vicar and PCC (church council) in the mission of the church. They also have particular care for the church buildings.

Lay Reader
Mr Mark Naylor is our Reader, having been licensed to the parish on Advent Sunday 2019. Mark brings with him considerable experience as a Reader, and shares in the pastoral care of the parish with Fr Christopher. He works full time as a school librarian.

Children and Families Worker
Mrs Katherine Brackley is our Children and Families Worker who was appointed in September 2020. Katherine supports children and their families in the parish as they seek to engage with and deepen faith.

Interim Organist and Director of Music
The music of the parish is led by the Temporary Organist and Director of Music, Prof Leonard Sanderman. Leonard joined us in December 2021 whilst finishing off his doctoral studies at the University of York, where he also teaches. He is Senior Lecturer at Leeds College of Music, and an accomplished musician, author and teacher. He has held posts at Keble College, Oxford, Pusey House, Chichester Cathedral and St Wilfrid’s, Harrogate, whilst also travelling abroad to work in Germany, The Netherlands and the United States of America, amongst other places. He is an Associate of the Royal College of Organists.